The Law of Attraction

Reading books or articles about the law of attraction awaken a sensation of few moments, once in a while, about what you wish to get or achieve. The realization that you can transform your life and create success brings excitement and hope, but these feelings can change into disappointment and frustration, if you don't know what to do next.

If you are told that you can create anything you want, but are not provided with the proper guidance and practical instructions, how can you proceed?

It is not enough just to visualize a goal for a few minutes, and then let doubts and disbelief fill your mind for the rest of the day.

It is not enough just to visualize a few times, and then wait for miracles to happen.


You need to have a strong desire and motivation, and the commitment to do whatever is necessary to achieve your goal.

You need persistence, concentration, the ability to visualize, and at least some degree of self-discipline.

You need to learn to recognize opportunity when it appears, and to be willing and ready to take and use this opportunity.

You need to be willing to act and take the required steps whenever needed, and not just wait for your desires to materialize from thin air or suddenly drop on you from the sky.

In order to take full advantage of the law of attraction you need to know certain rules and follow them. It is true, some people achieve great success, without knowing much or anything about it, but they intuitively use it correctly.

The law of attraction is not a method for getting rich quickly, without doing anything. It requires mental work, focus and visualization, and also the willingness to follow the mental work with any required actions on the physical plane.

This law can manifest your desires in many ways, sometimes obviously and directly, and sometimes in an indirect way, through various steps. Sometimes you might attain your goal in a sudden or miraculous way, and at other times slowly or indirectly, one thing leading to another. People might help you, a new job might come along, an idea might pop up in your mind, or your intuition might tell you to follow a certain course of action. These are just a few of the many ways, through which this law can help you manifest your desires.


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