In order for us to break barriers and to achieve
in life, we need to adopt the correct state of
mind. Everything starts in the mind; an athlete
cannot win a gold medal until they have won it in
their mind, a boxer cannot win a fight until they
have won in their mind, and an actor cannot be
an actor until they are an actor in their mind.
Whatever it is regarding, in order to be
successful, we must first succeed in our mind.
Positive thinking enables us to have a positive
attitude and allows our imaginations to envisage
positive scenarios. Our imagination is a
visualization process which is much more
powerful than we tend to acknowledge.
What we imagine is what we think; as we think
our thoughts, we are creating images in our
mind. These images could be of things that we
want or things that we do not want. Remember,
our most dominant thoughts are what form our
beliefs and our beliefs are the main drivers of
our behaviour. Therefore, as we imagine
ourselves being successful, our behaviour will
reflect this positive mentality; this is what a
WINNING MENTALITY is. So, the images that we
hold inside our mind can ultimately become our
experience; our mind will endeavour to create
the images that we hold persistently. In other
words, the thoughts that are constantly running
through our mind, consciously and unconsciously,
are ultimately making up our experiences.
A person with a winning mentality will not give
up, even when they lose they will keep on going,
and this is ultimately what brings success. If we
have a winning mentality then we will see
opportunities and have the confidence to take
them, and we will be able to tune into our
intuition and act on our inspiration.
On the other hand, those people that
continuously imagine themselves failing will have
a losing mentality. A person with a losing
mentality will focus on everything that goes
against them or gets in their way. If we have a
losing mentality then we will become incognizant
of both the opportunities that surround us and
our intuition and we will not put one hundred
percent effort into getting what we want because
we can only see ourselves failing. Our losing
mentality would mean that when something
does go our way, we would perceive it as an
exception, thus we would continue with our
losing mentality.
So, become a positive, upbeat and joyful person
and focus on the good things in life, look for
things to appreciate and turn a seemingly bad
situation around by looking at it from a more
positive perspective. For example, let’s say that
you missed out on your dream job or a
promotion at your current work. A negative
person, a person with a losing mentality, would
look upon the experience as a bad one, they
would give up and say “Well at least I tried, but I
just wasn’t good enough”, and then they would
end up settling for less than what they wanted.
Whereas a positive person, a person with a
winning mentality, would look at this rejection
and failure as a chance to learn and better
themselves and they would try again having
learnt from their past mistakes, at no point
would a truly positive person settle for anything
less than what they wanted. In most cases, an
experience is only bad or good depending upon
the way we think about it!
Basically, our imagination is fundamental to
whether we succeed or fail. If we can picture
ourselves succeeding then our mind will guide us
towards success, ultimately creating the reality
we desire. However, if we see ourselves failing
then our mind will guide us towards failure,
ultimately creating the reality we fear. This is just
the Law of Attraction at work; our imagination is
formed from our thoughts and our most
dominant thoughts form our beliefs, which evoke
the emotional reactions that determine the vibes
we are giving off, the energy we are sending out,
and since energy attracts like energy, the vibes
we give off determine what we get back from
life. Therefore, how we see ourselves is a
significant factor to the results in get in out lives;
our level of success depends upon whether we
see ourselves as successful or unsuccessful.
So, we should consistently imagine ourselves
succeeding at whatever we want to do; this does
not mean telling ourselves we are something we
are not or that we have something we do not, it
simply means picturing ourselves being accepted
and achieving, or having achieved, our goals,
dreams and desires and it is feeling the
emotions of victory.


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